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Get Small Town Savvy At The Almond Blossom Festival

Get Small Town Savvy At The Almond Blossom Festival

Mar 02, 2018 Dr. Kristina Smolenski Nelson

If you are looking for an affordable event that can also provide plenty of vendors, food, and a bit of history, then one of the most interesting annual events in the Los Angeles area is arriving in Quartz Hill, CA starting on Friday, March 9th and ending on Sunday, March 11th. The Almond Blossom Festival kicks off on March 9th at George Lane Park, bringing you three free entry days with plenty of education and entertainment.

Celebrate Almond Blossoms

The Almond Blossom Festival celebrates this area’s beautiful almond trees, and you’ll see plenty of pretty white and pink almond blossoms throughout this festival in Quartz Hill. You’ll get to learn a bit about the history of Quartz Hill, Lancaster, and the almond blossom while also getting to experience live entertainment, games, and lots of fun for the entire family. It is free to attend this festival, but you want to come prepared with some cash if you want to buy any food, drinks, or innovative items from the many vendors that will be present.

Festival Schedule

The Almond Blossom Festival takes place during a three-day period that includes Friday, March 9th, Saturday, March 10th, and Sunday, March 11th. The event takes place at George Lane Park in Quartz Hill, CA, which is close to the Los Angeles area. Admission to the event is free, put you need to remember to bring some money if you want to purchase any food, beverages, or other products from vendors. The daily schedule is below:

  • Friday, March 9th, 5 PM until 9 PM.
  • Saturday, March 10th, 10 AM until 7 PM.
  • Sunday, March 11th from 10 AM until 5 PM.

If you’d like to learn more about the event, please visit the Almond Blossom Festival’s webpage, located here.

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